A Guide To The Best Film Festivals Around The Globe

A Guide To The Best Film Festivals Around The Globe

Best Film Festivals

Movies are something that everyone loves. No matter how old we are or what our hobbies are (e.g. we play the best online casinos that accept Bitcoin), we can always find a suitable movie to spend a great time in front of the TV.The cinematography industry is prevalent and constantly develops to present something innovative, exciting, and eye-catching. While companies, directors, and actors work hard, defining the leaders and encouraging them for their efforts is essential. For this purpose, numerous international events are organized today.

What Are Film Festivals?

Choosing a film is like playing a Bitcoin video game. The process might take hours. However, the choice has become more accessible thanks to multiple movie festivals. They are extraordinary events organized regularly in various parts of the globe. They are usually devoted to the definite films and presuppose various forms of activities, such as:

  • Movie presentations
  • Film showing (often outdoors)
  • Competitions and voting, etc.

While every festival is unique, such events are also an excellent chance to see new and sometimes daring movies, discover new talented actors/directors, and meet popular and respected representatives of cinematography.

Festivals are carried out annually. They differ not just in terms of location. Certain events are devoted to various film genres, short films, filmmakers, or subject matters. Some festivals are considered prestigious global events. They attract people from different parts of the world. The others are small local occasions, which are less popular. They are organized to discover local talents.


Top Festivals Of Global Significance

Let’s observe the most important and prestigious events which are known worldwide:

  1. Festival de Cannes. It’s an important international event carried out in France every year. The ceremony presupposes previews of the latest movies and observes the films of all the existing genres (including documentaries). It was initially created as a protest against restrictions and unfairness of the Venice festival in 1938-1939. French cinematography representatives decided to make a genuinely independent event. Later, it became the basis for the independent film boom in the 50s and 60s. Thanks to the event, many legendary directors, including F. Fellini, F. Truffaut, and many others, managed to start their careers. The greatest reward, which can be obtained during the festival, is Palme d’Or. Today, it’s one of the most prestigious rewards for filmmakers.Festival de Cannes
  2. Venice Festival. It’s one of the most significant events in the industry. It was the first event of this type organized internationally. It gave birth to Cannes and numerous other ceremonies. The event is organized in Italy every year. Initially, the tradition was established by the National Fascist Party in 1932. During that time, the rewards could hardly be called fair due to the political influence and propaganda. However, everything changed with time. The event is a part of the Venice Biennale, the oldest art exhibition. The most prominent reward during the ceremony is Golden Lion. The most popular and talented filmmakers still work hard to get such a prize. In recent years, G. del Toro, D. Aronofsky, and many other prominent figures were among the winners.
  3. Berlin Festival. The ceremony was founded in 1951. It’s carried out every year in Germany. About 400 movies are shown in various places in Berlin. They are divided into nine sections according to the genres. However, the most fantastic prize is only one. It’s Golden Bear, and about 20 creations compete to obtain it. In most cases, the jury rewards the small-scale independent movies for discovering new talents and drawing the audience's attention. Among the winners, it’s possible to mention A. Pintilie from Romania, J. Padilha from Brazil, and many other foreign directors.
  4. Toronto Festival. While the above-described ceremonies are carried out in Europe, this one is organized in Canada. It’s considered one of the most prominent international events and attracts attendants from various parts of the world. The event has been organized every year since 1976. Compared to many other festivals, where the jury decides the destiny of certain movies and filmmakers, this event allows filmgoers to vote for their favorites. The greatest reward, which can be obtained during the ceremony, is Grolsch People’s Choice Award. Among the prominent winners of such a reward, it’s necessary to mention Slumdog Millionaire, Argo, The Imitation Game, and many other creations.
  5. Sundance festival. The independent Sundance Institute organizes this event. It has been organized in Utah since 1978. The ceremony is considered one of the greatest in the US. The event’s judges estimated international and American movies were accepting feature films and short movies. The genres include drama and documentaries. In addition, there’re a few out-of-competition categories, for instance, Spotlight, New Frontier, Premiers, etc.Sundance festival
  6. London Festival. This event was established with the support of the British Film Institute in 1957. The ceremony is organized annually in the UK, receiving attendants and participants from over 50 countries. Initially, the event features the most prominent creations from other significant traditions. Today, the ceremony also discovers new names and talents who are considered the most famous. The event is public, so it’s attended by celebs and filmmakers and by plain people and fans. During the occasion, it’s possible to watch movies that will be released in the future or won’t be shown in the UK at all.
  7. SXSW Festival. This event is carried out every year in the US (Texas). It accepts movies and filmmakers of all levels. It’s part of a more excellent conference devoted to music, interactive media, and films. Many independent creations and new talents in directing have already been discovered during the festival. The event lasts nine days. The movies of various genres are observed (including documentaries), while the most prominent ones are mentioned in the definite categories.

These are just a few most prominent events in the industry of cinematography. Today, there exist many other ceremonies organized by different area representatives (including actors themselves) to estimate the newest creations and find new talented filmmakers independently. Such a tendency promises excellent opportunities for further industry development in general. At the same time, the audience will see something new and be able to look at the world from a completely different point of view. Thus, take a break from your favorite online casino Apple and observe the latest creations noticed during movie festivals.

